the power is in you.

Whatever it is, your story can make all the difference in another persons life.

The hidden side

We are often shaped by the experiences in our lives. Maybe it’s our upbringing, perhaps it’s our first love, or possibly the trauma we face or have faced. No matter what, you are still here, a part of our community and loved.  

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Is the most powerful side.

The hidden side is your hidden power. You know yourself best and your story is the key to healing, feeling, and living the best possible life there is. Sharing your story with others allows someone you do or don’t know to look ahead and keep pushing forward.

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SOS aka “Sharing Our Stories” is now a multi-year project for our community to get a little closer. It’s up to you how much or what you want to share. Stories can be anonymous, or you may choose to add your name to it.

How to share my story?

How to share my story?


We recomend writing your story on your device so you can save it. Don’t forget to spell check.


Look for the picture that best represents your story. This can be a picture of you, an object or moment


Once you’re ready to submit, scroll down. Your story will be published on our site once approved.


Sharing our Stories FAQs

What is SOS?

Great question, this is now a multi-year project for Sharing Our Stories. We wanted to include an interactive component to our 2023 festival theme, and SOS was born. York Pride is committed to ensuring respect and understanding among our platforms. It’s our goal to create safer spaces and embrace our differences, and uniqueness through this project.

Who can submit stories?

Anyone willing to share their story is welcome to submit. We’re encouraging those under 18 to ensure they understand this is a public domain. All posts will be made public on all our social media channels. If you are worried about your privacy, submit it anonymously without identifying facts, photos or details that could put you at risk or danger.

What stories are appropriate?

We understand stories come in all shapes and sizes some being more complex than others. York Pride will do its best to ensure we do not have to censor stories we understand they are pure and raw. Please remember kids access this website at all ages. Use discretion in your stories, if we have any doubts about a submission, we may contact you to ask for clarification to provide a safer space for all ages. York Pride reserves the right to choose not to showcase any story for any reason but will try to work with each individual to compromise on how collaboration may be feasible to feature your story.

What is the deadline for SOS?

This project began in 2023 and is not scheduled to close. You will be able to submit content throughout the entire year. Submissions can take 2-8 weeks to process and publish on

What if my story does not get selected?

This may be due to powerful language, vulgar humour or behaviours, or explicit images submitted. You cannot write about others that do not directly relate to your story or cause harm to others through your writing. Remember others may not be out public about their sexuality or sexual orientation. Be careful what you post. Do not share the names of other people, please use different names for those in your story. We will try our best to share as many stories as possible but reserve the right to deny sharing any story through our platforms, for any reason. York Pride reserves the right to choose not to showcase any story for any reason but will try to work with each individual to compromise on how collaboration may be feasible to feature your story.

Still have unanswered questions?

Please send us a message below on our Contact Us form with Subject: SOS Question